Wednesday, December 2, 2009

The necklace

I have a special necklace. It was given to me after my brother was killed in a boating accident just over 2 years ago. A dear friend gave one to me, one to my mother and one to my sister. In my mind, the two hearts represent my heart and my brother's heart. Mine is glass and fragile and not quite complete (anymore) - his is whole and unbreakable. My mother wears hers nearly everyday, I wear mine sometimes. I always take it with me when I travel. When taking off, I always say a prayer with my hearts in my hand and when we land I always say thank you with my hearts in my hand. It accompanied me on my recent trip to the States. I wore it on Thanksgiving. Later that night when I was getting my son to sleep, I fell asleep too. I hadn't gotten myself ready for bed - I was just very tired and ended up sleeping with my necklace still on. Something I'd never done before. In the morning, my mom came over and told me she had slept in her necklace the night before for the first time ever. She said she was so tired she guessed she had just forgotten to take it off. And I said "me too!". So we both slept in our special necklaces unintentionally and for the first time on Thanksgiving...

Thanks, I needed that xxoo.

Elle :)


Unknown said...

What a very special piece of jewelry indeed.

BonBon Rose Girls Kristin said...

I'm so so sorry for your loss. That necklace is a treasure!

Kelsey @ Seattle Smith's said...

Absolutely a treasure!!!

Llama said...

Oh my goodness. That story is so completely touching. Things like that always happen for a reason. I am so so sorry to hear such a sad story, yet so happy to know that he is remembered in such a wonderful way. With my deepest sympathy...