Thursday, January 28, 2010

I'm back, I think...

My goodness. We have had an absolutely horrid stomach virus visitor in our house for about a week and a half. Somehow I've managed to escape infection. Not sure if that's a mother's immunity or the grace of God. First and foremost I am beyond thrilled that my babies are well again. And who are we kidding, putting it into perspective this was a relatively mild virus. But I've gotta tell you - I'm WORN OUT. Caring for a sick and needy family for the better part of 2 weeks has taken a little toll on me too. I couldn't use the toilet without my offspring hanging on to my legs. So I'm going to take a little break. Yes, I'm only dreaming but what the heck... Come along.

I'd never heard of Sanya - had you? So many places to see in this world.
If you need me, I'll be here (alone, just like her).
Or here.

Getting ready to relax on one of these and have the most fabulous massage ever.

Hope you are having a grand day!
Elle :)

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Dear friends

Please excuse my absence. First a cold went through our house and now it's a stomach virus. I will spare you the details. I miss you but will be back very soon.

Elle :)

Friday, January 8, 2010

It's important to pay attention.

Just making a quick check in. The babies are snoozing, the husband is out for at least another hour and I'm snuggled in my new bed* ready to dive back in to my book: The Help by Kathryn Stockett. I'm about a third of the way through it and I'm really enjoying it. I'm having a little trouble keeping up with the characters. Not that there are many, but for some reason I'm having a bit of trouble keeping track of who's who. Problem is probably me and nothing to do with the book...

The weekend is looking up. There's a Sunday family gathering that is brewing and may be the perfect excuse to retract my RSVP to the expensive baby shower. I received an apology email from the g-o-h. Her request was for a low-key, inexpensive & no-gifts policy shower. Something got lost in translation.... I could make it a big blow-out and not only attend the baby shower but tack on a few hours at the Ritz spa afterward. That would surely send my dear husband into cardiac arrest. Well at least when next months AmEx bill is due.

He nearly spit (I'm using my manners) a brick when I sent him this month's total. Here are some snippets from our convo. Please note that the AmEx total is always sent sugar coated via email....


Laying on new bed in bedroom:

Elle: Hey, I found that $100 you asked me about the other day. Guess where it was?

N: I hope you put it towards the AmEx bill.

Elle: It was STILL in my wallet! And no, I didn't put it towards the AmEx bill, I paid for the bouncy castle for S's party (our daughter).

N: I don't know how you think I'm going to pay that bill.

Elle: Well $X was on AmEx and the rest ($Y) was on the MasterCard so we don't have to pay that one in full.

N: What exactly Made up the $X+$Y?

Elle: Well $1000 of it was the tires and coffee you ordered.

N: $1000 on coffee and tires?!?!?

Elle: Yes. And some was food and the rest was Christmas oh, and a little that I spent on myself while we were in Atlanta.

N: What part of Christmas?

Elle: The Pottery Barn Kids stuff and Land of Nod stuff.

N: Pottery Barn Kids?

Elle: Yes remember you went in the store with me and we came out with a very large bag of stuff for the kids?

N: Oh, yeah. Land of Nod?

Elle: Yes, that's where the train table came from.

N: How much was that?

Elle: $400.

N: For a train table?!?!? I could've made that for $50!

Elle: Well it was actually $395 plus I got that smock and splat mat. And I showed you the train table on-line and you agreed that we should get it.

N: Well I wasn't paying attention.....

Elle: [(thinks to herself... "imagine that"]


Have a super fab weekend!!

Elle :)

P.S. * though not sparkly, a wonderful gift indeed!!

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

2010 & Random Ramblings

Well here we are in 2010. Hope it's a great year. Any resolutions? I'm not a big resolution kind of girl. Every year I would like to be a little more organized. This year I'm hoping to work on my scanning photos project and I'd like to learn how to use my new fancy schmancy camera well. These are only plans though, not resolutions.

On to some very important subject matter.... So I was invited to a baby shower. The guest of honor is a lovely gal and a friend. I don't know many of her other friends, we generally get together with our husbands. Well I got an evite with a save the date and details to follow. Checked my calendar, no plans, so I confirmed my ability to attend. Last night the details arrived: tapas and drinks outdoors at the Ritz. Oh and guests pay a fee of US$62.50. Plus a request to donate ~$40ish US$ to a gift. Say what? Tell me ladies is this a new trend I am unaware of? Asking guests to pay to go to a baby shower? I often think I need to be paid to attend some of these events. Especially when they want you to smell baby diapers and drink bottles in front of strangers. I'm a little perplexed. Frankly, I'd rather spend the money on a gift of my own choice. I likely won't spend much quality time with the g-o-h at the shower. And while the idea of over priced sparkling water and a handful of nibbles on a lovely January day at a luxury Caribbean resort sounds dreamy, it's just not sitting well with me. In my opinion you either host and foot the bill or come up with a more reasonably priced venue, like say your house. So tell me what you think. Please, I really want to know!

Well the kiddies are up now so I'd better get going. Oh, guess what? Our shower door spontaneously shattered into complete smithereens. Yes, the one that we JUST finished. There's something about that bathroom....

Until next time-

Elle :)